Why you must always know what your Twitter Followers want if you expect nothing but many automatic Favorites from them

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If you have read several article on how to increase your twitter following and likes, you have probably heard that you should give people what they want. People won’t favorite a tweet they don’t like, or a tweet that don’t relate to, which is why it is very important therefore that you spend time analyzing your twitter followers, and see what kind of content they love. If you try tweeting inspiring content alongside hash tags and you get many automatic favorites, send more such tweets.

Sometimes being unique could also make you a king of automatic favorites. You don’t have to share the over popular quotes or joke you find on your twitter feed every day. Instead, look for a unique way to present your tweets, so that they make the biggest impact on people. When you feel like you have nothing to share, favorite what interests you from other people’s tweets and reach out for a better and closer relationship.

Two Alternatives To Automatic Favorite To Be Popular On Twitter.
People are struggling in their quest to get the best of what Twitter can offer. The benefits have been minimal despite their numerous efforts to gather more followers and promote their brands and businesses. Different mechanisms like automatic favorite have been used by other Twitter users in their effort to improve on popularity. In this case, other bloggers might seem to be making a killing by acquiring the automatic favorite feature. Just like other automation features, automatic favorite comes at a cost and other detrimental effects if proper management is not done. The Twitter platform has many people talking about every topic, and therefore it can be difficult to penetrate and make your voice. You might need twitter strategy to stand out and attract the traffic that you desire.
You do not have to go for automatic favorite for you to get the recognition or promote your brand but you can use few tricks available. Do not worry of your low following, instead work on what you have and you will get on the influencers radar. You can consider the following;

Twitter should not be seen a text-only platform. Twitter has visual content that uses auto-expanding images in your tweets making the content to be more appealing and better. Good visuals will make your updates to have lasting effect and have high ranking among other text dominated tweets. Studies have shown that tweets that have visual links get more views than the text-only tweets.
While creating a new tweet, you can attach a photo or a link to the photo. A preview of the tweet and the photo will be available on your twitter timeline.
The photo you need to attach must have sharp vocals to attract the eyes of the viewers. Good images that are copyright free can be found on “Flickrcopyright free images, Free Range Stock, Unsplash.” You can attach the images in JPEG, PNG or GIF format and can be to 3MB in size. You can also purchase a subscription, Shutterstock, Thinkstock, Corbis, iStock, or from other stock images databases available. Own images can be created using Adobe Photoshop, Skitch, or GIMP.
Caution should be taken when tweeting a link to your blog post. The image you use should have a title which is large and centered and be relevant to the content of the post. An image that relates directly to the subject in your blog post will attract people to click. Going for visual content will drive traffic to your blog as opposed to plain old text.

It is unusual to update your social channel with the same old content as this adds no value to the audience. However, your Twitter followers may miss out on your recent posts, and this can disappoint them. You can post the same content to your audience repetitively by altering the text and images used in a tweet. Doing so will ensure that you don’t annoy your audience with the same content. You can tweet your link three times, but in each instance, you use different content;
First, you can tweet a photo and a link with original headline.
Next, your tweet can have a link and a quote.
Lastly, you can tweet with a different image, a link and ask a question that arouses curiosity about the subject of the post.